Wednesday, February 16, 2005

Coriander - Cure from Kitchen



Coriander is originated from the Mediterranean region, where it has been grown since ancient times. Now it is widely cultivated in Europe, North Africa, India, South America, Malaysia, Thailand and China. It grows abundantly in black soil and arid regions. Coriander is very popular. Fresh leaves as flavouring agent and dried coriander seeds as spices are used in food preparation. Coriander is both an annual and a perennial herb and is rich in various food elements. The ripe dried coriander seeds have an aromatic smell and well blending spice taste. Indian coriander contains an essential oil, which causes irritation when in contact with skin for a long time. This is a great flavouring agent, stimulant, carminative, helps in stomachache and griping pain, tranquilizer, germicidal, diuretic, anti pyretic, curtails excessive requirement of water in digestive system and as a tonic. The leaves of coriander are stimulant and tonic. They strengthen the stomach and promote its action, relieve flatulence, increase secretion and discharge of urine and reduce fever. They act an aphrodisiac, help in the removal of catchall matter and phlegm from the bronchial tubes there by counteracting any spasmodic disorders. Coriander seeds reduce fever and promote a feeling of coolness. Coriander juice is highly beneficial in beneficial in deficiencies of vitamin A, B, B2, C and iron.


One or two teaspoon coriander juice, with fresh butter milk is an effective cure in treating digestive disorders such as indigestion, nausea, dysentery, hepatitis and ulcerative colitis. One teaspoon of heated powdered coriander seeds with water checks loose motions. Half a teaspoon coriander powder with little black salt after meal also cures indigestion.


One teaspoon of coriander powder and sugar candy 3 times a day is an effective remedy to cure dysentery.


Coriander powder with boiled rice water checks excessive bleeding during menses. Six grams of coriander seeds should be boiled in half a liter of water, till only half the water remains. Taking this in warm with sugar checks excessive bleeding.


Boil 125 GMS of ground coriander seeds in 500 GMS of water till 125 GMS remains. Then mix 125 GMS of sugar with it till it gets thick. Taking this mixture regularly cures mental weakness.


Juice of fresh coriander leaves, applied on the forehead cures headache.


A teaspoon of coriander juice, mixed with a pinch of turmeric powder, is an effective remedy for pimples, black heads and dry skin. This mixture should be applied to the face, after washing it thoroughly every night before retiring. The young plants of coriander are used in chutneys, sauces, curries and soups. The volatile dried coriander seeds are an important ingredient of curry powder and are also used the pickles, sauces, seasoning confectionery and for flavouring spirits, particularly gin. According to Hakeem Hashmi, outstanding unani physician, taking 100 GMS juice of fresh coriander leaves, daily is a great source of all vitamins. And also fresh coriander leaves, should be used in raw form as a flavouring agent, to prevent the loss of vitamins due to heating or boiling

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